Is the USA on the way to becoming a second or third world country? If so, is any country safe?

What is the future of the USA?
What is the future of the USA?

There are indications:

The average IQ in the USA is decreasing and typically those with an lower IQ lack the intellectual capacity to understand, why, although is may sound good, socialism is a poor economic system. Since 1979 Hispanics in the USA have increase from under 10 to over 60 million. Therefore, the percent of Hispanics Americans is increasing. The average IQ is Hispanics is 89 on the Lynn-Vanhanen scale where white Americans equal 100.

About 800,000 more females graduate each year and 90% of married female college graduates have husbands that have graduated college. Therefore, the number of smart American women with children is decreasing. That in turn, lowers the average IQ.

The U. S. labor force participation rate for prime-age men peaked in 1954 at just under 98 percent. Over the next 50 years, the participation rate for these men declined by 8.3 percentage points as of last month. In May 2016, only 88.4.

Pew Research Center found that 55% of Americans had a negative impression of “socialism,” while 42% expressed a positive view. About two-thirds (65%) said they had a positive view of “capitalism,” and a third viewed it negatively. However, a majority of Americans vote for candidates with socialists agendas.

Is the USA on the way to becoming a second or third world country? If so, is any country safe?
13 Opinion