Why is it weird or pathetic or childishfor a grown man to live with his parents?


I'm going to assume most of you are Americans or from anglospheric nations and most of you never traveled outside of western countries and are bad at culture and geography. I'm a 27 year old guy getting my bachelor's degree in history of which I'm almost complete with, all I have is an associates degree and there's no jobs near me that will give me the income for a place on my own and I refuse to share with a roomate. In Asian nations its not seen as weird or laughable to still live with your parents.

Western culture has this garbage and disgusting perception about grown men who still live with their parents unable to move out due to overpriced of houses and underpaying of local jobs.

I can promise you that you wished you still lived with your parents rent free being able to grow drugs and smoke weed instead of either sleeping in your car or having to share a dirty apartment with weird gross roomates.

Why is it weird or pathetic or childishfor a grown man to live with his parents?
4 Opinion