Why are Gen Z Americans so obsessed with race/ethnicity?


Nowadays, the younger generation (Gen Z) seems to be extremely obsessed with race and making their race/ethnicity their personality. They literally enforce racial stereotypes that people have been trying to kill out for years. I've seen people (mainly teens and young, young adults) bring up their race/ethnicity in YT, Instagram, etc. comment sections and say shit such as, "Us Asians hate you for cooking rice the wrong way", "Us Mexicans are all so traumatized because we were beat with sandals", "Us black people are the loudest" etc. If you talked about race like this around a millennial, most would laugh at your ass. American Gen Z'ers are obsessed with it, like it's the only thing that makes them special. I get race/ethnicity is a part of our identity, but why do so many people make it their whole fuckn personality?

Why are Gen Z Americans so obsessed with race/ethnicity?
4 Opinion