Is voting against Democrats the best way to protect your and your family's financial future?


My education was in finance but I also have a degree in political science. If there was one central takeaway lesson I got from that education it was that the topics of finance and political science are inextricably entwined. I don't believe you can have a full understanding of investments and markets without following the political science of it all. It gives you a quintessential element of understanding that markets don't move on a theoretical basis, or on a "random" basis. They move on the basis of real world events and politics is the most influential factor that moves them.

Democrats are promoting Marxist communism. The fundamental tenet of Marxist communism is the abolition of private property and private wealth in the hands of the middle class. That may be the central goal, but it takes steps to get there. Here is an excellent article that distills the essence of Marxism. See if you can recognize how many of the five additional tenets of Marxism the author describes match the Democrat's agenda virtually verbatim.

Then ask yourself if there is anything more effective you can do to protect your financial future and your family's than stop voting for Democrats.

That is unless you actually think that global warming, white supremacy and using the wrong pronouns are the biggest threats the country faces and not just ridiculous contrived distractions that Marxists use to divert your attention away from their actual agenda.

5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property) - Foundation for Economic Education

Is voting against Democrats the best way to protect your and your family's financial future?
14 Opinion