I think it's the truest a person can be but also the most delusional. For example, I remember after 27 tequila shots that I was telling people I'm a CIA agent working for the Pentagon and how hard it is, and actually that was the most honest I was being in one sense even though I wasn't speaking the truth. It's because I genuinely believed I was working for the Pentagon after the 27 tequila shots so I was opening my heart out and spreading honesty through the entire room. It just so happened though that I was wrong; realized that the next day when I sobered up and went back to the office as an engineer.
02 Reply- Asker1 y
Oh my god! That’s funny 😂
- 1 y
I think that's kind of the way drunkards function. They might not be saying anything intentionally deceptive but they're very unreliable. If they think you're the hottest woman on the planet, I'd wait until they sober up and ask them again after, not because they were lying when they were drunk, but their judgment is probably different from when they are sober.
Most Helpful Opinions
- 1 y
I think so. I’d like to cuss out a few cops, but sometimes discretion is the better part of valor. And, I live in Hawaii and see young women in thong bikinis every day. Letting the filth running through my mind out my mouth would be rude.
00 Reply
I think it depends on the mind set you go into it
But over all yes, and no
I mean we think a lot of stuff like "I will so kill them" or "I like to bang them" but we dont act or show that, when being drunk limiters are off so we may show parts that normally we block, and honestly it dose not matter if we say this stuff while drunk becouse its not us, its a small part of us that is there, the entire us includes the limiters00 Reply
- 1 y
When you drink you tell the truth because noone can judge you for it the next day. Only when we drink do we have free speech.
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
Id say those are true and honest words... because your mind cannot be clever enough to lie or make stories other than what is true
00 Reply- 1 y
In my case it's true, because all it does to me is make me feel more comfortable and come out of my shell just a bit more.
01 Reply- 1 y
That's true
- 1 y
Absolutely yes. Alcohol just removes your inhibitions. What you say is truth. It's just something you wouldn't say sober.
00 Reply 1.5K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Depend how drunk one is, IMHO, most the time the words come from the sub-conscious and you have very little control.
00 ReplyIf that's true, than my friend really hated me. No, I think alcohol just does strange things when you're drunk. It can affect people different.
02 Reply- Asker1 y
Did your friend say they hated you?
- 1 y
More or less. I'll keep a long story short. We went to a ballgame, he had 6 ipa's & was blackout drunk. I had him stay in my dorm, and he told me he was going to drive home. Since he was not listening to me & he would have killed himself or someone else in his state, I had to call campus security to talk to him since he wasn't listening to me. He yelled at me & were no longer friends.
4.8K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Skinny Lister "George's Glass"
00 Reply- 1 y
Yeah I'd say that's true to a large extent
00 Reply - 1 y
Yes, a drunk speaks a sober mind.
00 Reply 2.9K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Not really just drunken words
00 Reply10.1K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic. Yeap usually
00 Reply- 1 y
Yes, it's true
00 Reply
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