Do middle eastern immigrants insult people in US or Europe?


I live in Antalya, Turkey. Maybe most of you think that Turkey is exactly like other middle eastern countries but its not. Most of us are not religious or conservative at all, and even conservative turks never insulted me before.

Today an Arab immigrant called me "Whore" out of nothing. I was just walking in the street and wearing a summerdress. He said that in arabic and thougt I wouldn't understand his language but I knew some curse words in Arabic (thanks to my Lebanese friend.)

I feel super unsafe since a lot of middle eastern immigrants came to our country, I've always supported immigrants and refugees when people were being racist and look what happened to me!

So, I'm asking this bc I know US and Europe is dealing with immigrant problem for decades. You guys problably have more experience about these kind of stuff.

Can they act like this in your country too? Or its happening here bc our government is too soft to them and they dont scared of being deported etc?

Do middle eastern immigrants insult people in US or Europe?
3 Opinion