Is the Global/Climate Change hoax a Cult?

Is the Global/Climate Change hoax a Cult?

It has all the earmarks of a pseudo-religion, replacing G0d.

*It has a god, which is Gaia/The Planet.
*It has disciples, the "Climate Scientists" and endless useful idiots in academe, corporations, media, entertainment and government. And all those Gen Z and Gen Alpha's
*It has doctrines and prophesy, the continuing predictions that are simply revised when their "end times" don't occur. Seems like it's always 10 years away.
*It has a path to salvation, achieving Net Zero carbon by whatever means.
*And they have the single, most important thing, CERTAINTY, like all those radical fundamentalist branches of religions we all know and love. They live without doubt.

“When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”

... C. K Chesterton

10 mo
The presence of CO2 in the atmosphere has improved to 400ppm over time and is proving to restore rain forests and green the margins of deserts all over the world. Imagine what 800 ppm will do. Probably end worldwide except when Spectre (the WEF) and tin horn dictators interfere with economic activity. I think I'll drive one of my V8 powered cars 100 miles this weekend to help out.
10 mo
I don't do Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Tic Toc. I don't look for agreement, follows, etc. All I do add my fuel to the fire. I do not expect to convert Gaia Zealots. Only to raise doubt, so later I can say I told You So. MMGW us one of the greatest hoaxes in the history of Mankind. There is no duplicatable evidence other than endless (how to lie with) statistics that have proven false for 50 years. Why do you think Obama and Biden bought residences at nearly sea level?
Is the Global/Climate Change hoax a Cult?
27 Opinion