Why is the modern world required to approve of the worst behavior from Herodian Europeans, just to "prove" it's not "antisemitic"?


I've seen this behavior over and over again on Facebook. Even users who have ethnic Jewish heritage are not allowed to criticize anything that crime families like the Zelenskys, Rockefellers, Soroses, etc. do. Because you're automagically an "antisemite" unless you approve of the actions of these criminal syndicates - no matter how heinous!

And you're "spreading hate" if you confront them over their CRIMINAL ACTIONS, even as their shrill shills allow other categories of hate to spread with impunity, such as open celebrations of child abuse (including torture of infants!)

Apparently, morons on Facebook state that this type of hate is okay to spread. Somehow. But that you don't dare call the protected class of criminals out as being war criminals, because then you automatically "hate" "all" of an ethnicity that most of those criminals don't even possess!

And the morons, when confronted with facts, even from those who do possess some of that ethnic heritage, always slink away like cowards with a response of "I'm not going to debate this!"

I thought we were supposed to live in an age where no one is above the law. Where there's no category that is above reproach. None that cannot at least be questioned. Why is this particular type of elitism so tolerated? And in what universe does it actually possess any such merit?

Why is the modern world required to approve of the worst behavior from Herodian Europeans, just to "prove" it's not "antisemitic"?
1 Opinion