Who would favor re-writing the Constitution and abolishing the Presidency and the Supreme Court?


Hear me out.

We should have one ruling body at the Federal Level, and it should be the Senate. There should be no President and no Supreme Court. The body which writes the law should interpret and enforce the law. duh. they are the ones who know what it means, since they wrote it.

Every 4 years, we waste billions and billions of dollars on campaign spending for President, and we have stupid Supreme Court rulings such as the courts saying the Senate couldn't ban abortion by Constitutional Amendment with the Roe vs Wade ruling, which was itself Unconstitutional.

I'm 42 years old, and ever president in my lifetime has been an unqualified LOSER. It's time we completely abolish the office of President.

Some laws which should be fundamental in a proposed new constitution:

1) All provably false religions are banned. You can be a Deist, but you cannot be a Polytheist nor worship a man-god.

2) Abolish the Double Jeopardy clause from the constitution. If new evidence or a later admission shows you committed a crime after you were falsely aquitted, you should go back on trial and go to prison or be executed as your crime deserves. (O. J. Simpson et al).

3) A federal law requiring both State, Local, and Federal budgets to be balanced regardless of circumstances. If they fail to balance the budget they must immediately raise taxes to balance the budget.

4) A federal law limiting military spending to 2 percent of GDP unless engaged in a fully declared war.

4b) A Federal law making it illegal to declare an offensive war without some benchmark of a degree of risk, such as having already been attacked on homeland, but limiting counter attacks to those nations and terrorist organizations directly responsible. This would have prevented the Iraq and Afghan wars, and would pretty much require that we declare war on Saudi Arabia and Pakistan instead, if any war should have happened at all.

5) A Federal Law giving control of Energy Infrastructure to Congress.

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9 mo
I have other laws I'd propose. Im sick of living in an irrational civilization.

6) A Federal Law making it a Felony to knowingly lie about man-made global warming in EITHER side of the debate. I'm sick of all the armchair QB unqualified FOOLS on the internet with no knowledge or skill in meteorology or climatology spreading lies in defense of fossil fuels.

7) A Federal Law banning political parties and lobbying.

9 mo
8) A Federal Law making Veto in th e Senate require TWO Senators to agree to Veto... just like the Greco-Roman Senate. That way no stupid laws get passed. Either everyone write something you can agree on, or else don't write anything at all.

9) A Federal Law making State's Governors appointed by the State Senate, not popular vote.

10) A Federal Law making Federal Senators appointed by the State Governors, not popular vote.
Who would favor re-writing the Constitution and abolishing the Presidency and the Supreme Court?
10 Opinion