Is it just me, or are gender relations breaking down?


I've actually been losing sleep over this, worrying about this very issue to the point that I'm physically ill at this very moment.

I have a horrible, gut-level feeling that men and women are souring on eachother, turning on each other over stupid shit like politics and it's not good at all for the future of society. We clearly don't love each other anymore. I see it online, I see it in public, I see it at my workplace, my male co-workers would NOT talk to their female counterparts, I've been in bars where men would only hang out with their bros and ignore women.

There is so much misogyny and misandry out there, we keep tearing each other down, we have people like Andrew Tate out there talking about women as if we're all garbage, we have these so-called "feminists" saying stuff like "men are not important", "we can create babies from stem cells", "round up all the men and put them in camps"... literal stuff that nazis would say if they were feminists and hated all men. Meanwhile, our men are in crisis, the rate of death from suicide, drug overdoses, alcohol abuse, is soaring, there are a lot of guys who would rather beat it to porn and stay locked away in their rooms rather than date and build relationships, which is not healthy. Many men are dying alone and there are people, particularly these misandrist femme-nazis calling themselves feminists who laugh about it and think it's a good thing.

I recently had a guy friend take his own life, he left never having had a girlfriend, never been kissed. The last thing he posted on Twitter was "I never heard the words 'I love you' said to me by anybody but my mother."

What are we doing to each other? Really? Why are we doing this to each other?

We were made to love each other, it's literally ingrained in our biology, we were meant to start families and keep the species going, but I guess brainwashing beats biology doesn't it?

Is it just me, or are gender relations breaking down?
10 Opinion