Feminism=findom=misandry=femdom they all same thing right?

Feminism=findom=misandry=femdom they all same thing right?

I swear the God I dont see any difference. Whenever I see a girl who is into feminism she is a misandrist. Whenever I see a girl who is into femdom she is a feminist (female supremacist).

Guys, we live in 2023. This is 21. century. In 20. century there was wars and millions of people died during the wars. But right now there is a war between genders because of feminism. Feminism (misandry) caused huge amount of hate and grudge between genders.

For a better world, peaceful world, this must be stop. People and especially men have huge effort to stop feminism and build a peaceful masculist healthy world where everybody treats each other with respect.

What do you think about toxic ideologies such as feminism, sjw, femdom, findom and other bullshits?

Feminism=findom=misandry=femdom they all same thing right?
14 Opinion