Am I a loser if I live in a motorhome in my mom's driveway?

I am a single guy. I am 29, have no dependants, and I have a well-paying job. I own a class A motohome that was manufactured in 2009, so it is older by now and showing some age.

I am not really wanting to rent an apartment right now, because I would be pissing away $1500 a month on a place that I will never own. Imagine spending hundreds of thousands of dollars overtime on a place and suddenly lose your job or become disabled and you get evicted. That would be horrible.

My second option is to save up and put money down on a house or condo. Although, I would be signing my life away to $200+/k in debt for decades of my life.

I really don't know what I want to do long term, because I am likely to remain single the rest of my life and everything will rest upon my shoulders solely financially. I never even had a real girlfriend, so I know what direction my singleness is taking me.

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Am I a loser if I live in a motorhome in my mom's driveway?
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