Why is it so bad to be nice? Why do people respect kind people that are not nice, then people that are too nice?

I mean some people can be the sweetest people but they hide it with sarcasm, snarky comments and they aren’t so nice.
my friend (let’s call him Jonathan) he’s sarcastic, snarky and may come off as rude and a jerk to some, but he is actually one of the sweetest people you ever meet. He just chooses to be sarcastic and hates mushy feelings.

My older siblings told me something you have to be “mean” to protect myself and stop letting people push me around and I have always been a follower. My brother said I worry too much what others thing, I’m way too damn polite, saying thank you too much and apologizing too much. They told me I need to be kind, but NOT NICE because people don’t respect nice people. My peers even said I’m too nice and it’s uncomfortable. My siblings are kind but they’re NOT nice at all. They aren’t so nice and can come off as rude, but are helpful and always there for you. I’m nice, sweet and people don’t respect me that much.

Why is it so bad to be nice? Why do people respect kind people that are not nice, then people that are too nice?
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