ENTP vs ENFP - Which one is better?


I used to be ENTP when I was 17-20. Then turned more emotional and friendly and always was ENFP for the past 5 years. And sometimes even very rarely, even INFP - on my introverted days.

I now took two extensive tests, on two different sites, one is ENTP, another one says ENFP, which one to believe?

On ENFP - My thinking and feeling percentages are always close to each other. 53%feeling, 47%thinking.

3 mo
I think my real MBTI is ENTP-ENFP cusp, since ENTP was the first one I identified as, for many years during changing into adulthood and I still got strong T and always rank very high on Thinking, even if I get ENFP as a result sometimes, F and T are on the cusp.
ENTP vs ENFP - Which one is better?
8 Opinion