Isn’t Israel following in Bush W’s path?

I love this lady’s quote. “Call the Philosophy department and tell them I’ve been arrested.”

Not antisemitic.
Not antisemitic.

Meet 2024’s latest meme.

Why am I in support? It’s not anti Jew. It’s pro-peace, anti-warmongering. And yes there’s Ukraine. But Israel is acting like Russia.

Yes they have reason to invade, Russia doesn’t. But we can still protest warmongering to possibly save a Palestinian kid’s life. And I still care about Israeli’s children too.

Israel had their 9/11. Their politicans are covering their asses by invading. Like Bish did with Iraq.

They're following Bush W’s trodden path. We’re like Cassandra in Greek mythology. Knowing destruction is coming but no one believes her.

Cassandra going 100% Karen
Cassandra going 100% Karen
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Isn’t Israel following in Bush W’s path?
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