Do you believe in "taken" vibes?

If a girl or guy is in a relationship and other people never attempt to approach them, is it that most people in general do not find them attractive? Or could it be that they give off a "taken" vibe in how they behave and relate to other people, which discourages others from approaching them for romantic purposes? What do you think? Please vote and share your thoughts!
I believe strongly in these vibes, and they are a likely reason why a "taken" person is not getting approached.
I somewhat believe in them, it's a possible reason why.
Doubtful, it's probably not the reason why or it is only very rarely.
No way, I don't put any stock in this theory.
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If you have ever been in a situation where you felt like you were receiving such a vibe, please share your experience!
Do you believe in "taken" vibes?
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