Women, where have you received the most and least male attention as a traveler?

I'm Asian (23F) I've been to Spain, France, Italy, Germany and travelled around Asia. I didn't experience catcalling, staring or any sexual harassment in any country except in Prague (where I was stalked by human traffickers) I did have a racial incident in Berlin as well where I was called some choice racial slurs and given the slanted eyes.

My friend (White-American, blonde) attracted the most unwelcome attention in Egypt and France, but not even a second glance in Germany (the locals there wouldn't interact unless she initiated it). She was routinely catcalled in Egypt and at tourist destinations in France, and felt her safety was jeopardized at times

Where'd you receive the most attention? Would you ever go there again? Where'd you receive the least attention? Please do mention if you ever felt your race or physical traits played a factor in the stares or interactions. I've realized that not blending in with the people of whatever country, especially if it's homogeneous, can play a role. As can (sexism) if a man is by your side or not.

Women, where have you received the most and least male attention as a traveler?
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