Getting to know you, Part 1. What are your preferences for these questions?

Just fill in the blanks. You can also copy and paste the questions and then answer.

How do you like your coffee?

Steak or fish, chicken?

Favorite vacation spot?

I'd rather live in _______ if I could.

I prefer _______ weather or the ________ season.

My best atrribute, or what people have told me is that they admire my _________.

If I could have dinner with a famous person, I would pick ______.

I have never been to ____ and don't plan on it.

Tell us about your next trip. Where do you wish to go?

How many things have you accomplished on your bucket list? ___ What were they?

Tell us something about yourself that no one else knows on here. _____

My answers:

1. Light with cream and no sugar.

2. Prime rib.

3. Spain or The Netherlands (Amsterdam).

4. California

5. Cool, Fall

6. Kindness

7. Christopher walken

8. the middle east, except maybe to Jerusalem.

9. I wish to go to Asia. I'd like to see Singapore, Japan, South Korea and maybe Thailand.

10. I have misplaced my buscket list, but I know I have done one, and that is to retire.

11. I can make my own sushi using special salmon (and have not gotten sick).

Getting to know you, Part 1. What are your preferences for these questions?
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