The Story Behind #TrumpGirlsBreakTheInternet

Earlier this week there was a Twitter hashtag trending "Trump Girls Break The Internet." As the headline of the linked story suggests, there was a lot of "eye candy" as "hot girls" came forward to show their support for Trump.

The Story Behind #TrumpGirlsBreakTheInternet

Why do you suppose these women, who carry a lot of social power with their good looks, would come out in favor of someone who has demonstrated hostility towards women, even arguably good-looking conservative women?

To answer this question, one must consider the state of the feminist movement in this country. The general perception is that it is a clash between women and men. We have a patriarchal society with a power structure run by men, which oppresses women and restricts their freedom by imposing heteronormative gender roles.

While all of that is undeniably true, there is another side to this issue which seems much less frequently discussed. It involves an undeclared war among American women, particularly between the genetically blessed and, shall we say, the class of ambitious woman who values knowledge and intelligence over superficial appearances.

The Story Behind #TrumpGirlsBreakTheInternet

The hot women stand to benefit greatly from the continued conservative family structure which features the man serving as the provider and head of household. In this scenario, the woman believes she need not concern herself with the more distasteful behavior of earning a living, such as competition or performing uninteresting tasks.

The Story Behind #TrumpGirlsBreakTheInternet

Instead, she can reap the rewards of being genetically blessed by marrying a man of wealth who will look after her every need. She can freely partake in the much more personally rewarding tasks of rearing her children and decorating a house, even if it does involve some grunt work like cleaning and cooking (tasks which can be passed on to servants, ideally). Alternatively, she can pursue a career that generates little wealth but is far more interesting, such as the arts or editorial work.

There are many physically attractive women, but relatively few fall into the "extremely hot" category with expensive clothes and perfect make-up. In our late teens and early 20s, everyone we know personally is from the same local community and thus seems to be of the same social class.

That will change as we go forward in life. We will encounter people of differing economic statuses and backgrounds. We will have to think more about money and the expenses involved in raising a family. We will better understand who we are and where we stand among the larger community of our peers.

Dating and mating is an economic pursuit in that it follows a system of supply and demand. Items that are in great demand but short supply, such as a model-perfect beauty from a rich family and a elite educational institution, come with a high price tag. Men lavish them with gifts and favors, and it seems only the wealthy can afford the hottest of the hot girls. Feminism isn't a boon to these women, it is a threat.

This should come as a relief to the more patriarchal men who oppose feminism; the hot girls are with you. Even smart women who might not be as interested in spending hours in front of the mirror painting their faces understand that family life comes with a high price tag.

The Story Behind #TrumpGirlsBreakTheInternet

As much opposition as men offer the feminist movement, it seems quite possible the greater threat to feminism comes from within. If feminists could find a way to win over the hot girls and draw them to their side, and present a united front, it seems likely we'll see fewer hot girls supporting raging misogynists in the future.

The Story Behind #TrumpGirlsBreakTheInternet
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