Men Can't Be Raped.


Men Can't Be Raped.

Today the definition of rape has been hijacked by certain unscrupulous groups belonging to a hypocritical ideology known only as The Left. These groups have made it their mission to spread misinformation and hatred toward men and that of paranoia and insecurity in women. Have they succeeded? Yes, they have in a significant way, no less. Case in point, about a month ago the internet was fuming about this wonderful individual.

Men Can't Be Raped.

To those who're not familiar with the case, Samantha Ray Mears is a nineteen year old woman from Montana who raped her ex boyfriend after waiting for him in his house and then threatening him with a machete. Well that alone should be bad enough, right? Wrong. The case itself while disturbing wasn't shocking enough, with the many men and women who have been coming out with their stories now. However, what was shocking was how disgusting the majority of the media and news outlets downplayed it outright.

Men Can't Be Raped.

Most of the news outlets just go on to say that it was just 'forced sex' and barred using the word rape in their articles. With some going as far as quoting the 'Legal Definition' which says:

“The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”

Yeah. See how much wrong there is in that definition? See how much else it omits? Yeah, it totally has no reservation for males. Men, by this definition can't be raped by women...... Don't believe me?

Yeah. And that's not even the worst thing. This woman was only charged with aggravated burglary and assault with a weapon. As far as a court is concerned, the sex was secondary. Yeah, she'll be back on the streets with probation.

This has nothing to do with equality anymore and sooner or later, with such divide in the criminal system which is so lenient with female criminals on the most horrific crimes. This is true rape culture. Where not just the people, the officials but the very system itself protects the criminal instead of the victim. Where is the outrage? Where is Justice? Or is it only the Brock Turners that this society is interested in?

Men Can't Be Raped.
9 Opinion