Singles, Embrace Valentine's day for your own!

Singles, Embrace Valentines day for your own!

Lately a couple of questions on here have called for the boycott of Valentine's day due to sexist views of the holiday and anti commercialism. However, February 15th is Singles Awareness Day. If you're single, don't feel bad about not having a valentine. Be your own! Take yourself out to eat, do something fun like go bowling or a movie. Hell, ladies go to a spa or salon and treat yourselves. Buy yourself some candy as well. You also don't have to spend money. Go take a long walk in a park or find free events to meet people, binge on your favorite shows, or read a shit ton. You can find Valentines day can be just as much of a day for self love and mental health awareness like any other day. Plus you can do this any day of the year and not just on February 14th or 15th.

Singles, Embrace Valentine's day for your own!
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