What should I do if my boyfriend got me nothing for Valentine's day?
That dumpster baby, break up.
what an awful person, how dare he not gift you something in valentines
Is this how women are?
they cling to unnecessary things because society told them to do this and that for love!
00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
Yeah I think so to try to ask him why he didn’t get u anything like in a nice way or say it as a joke like example
Hey you didn’t get me anything today hahaha do I know what day it is? But hey I got u something.
That’s called reversed psychology it will make him give u the honest awnser just becuase the way u started00 Reply
- 1 y
Nothing, keep on with your life.
(Getting something on a day where people are forced to buy something, isn't a sign of love or appreciation.)00 Reply
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Hmmm... let's see... cry and emotionally blackmail him? Nah.
Why is V-day, a made up commercial occasion, important to you?
If it is, does he know that it is?
Also IF it IS important to you, is it because you don't feel special any of the other 364 days of the year?00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- 1 y
Make better use of your time machine. It's only the first.
20 Reply That's terrible! Maybe if I'm good, you'll let me spoil you a little;)
00 Reply- 1 y
Tell him your feelings and how you feel about it, let him know what he did and how it made you feel. Comfort him about it
10 Reply Kind of jumping the gun aren't you? It's February 1st?
10 ReplyAccept it, since you clearly didn't meet that day. Otherwise I did give you something, his time.
00 Reply- 1 y
Maybe take sex off the table. Or maybe not do things he wants during sex. Just give him a hint you want something for Valentine's day and say he will be rewarded lol.
00 Reply Come on girl, you're not a child crying are you? Nobody gave me sh*t for years, even whem they have opportunities. Should someone care? Nope. Same here. You're asking like it's TERRIBLE if you don't have a gift. Grow please.
00 Reply- 1 y
Realize that love shouldn't be judged by the stuff you get but the effort he puts in to make you feel loved and the amount of intimacy he gives
10 Reply - 1 y
Valentines day is the dumbest holiday. That’s all I’m gonna say
00 Reply Protest no don’t do that buy yourself Valentines candy
00 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)1 y
Valentines day is a nothing holiday. Seriously, do you ever do anything for him on valentines day?
00 Reply It's a commercial holiday. get over it
00 Replynothing, he's still got a couple weeks
00 Reply- 1 y
Do nothing
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)1 y
don't get him anything
00 Reply - 1 y
Dump him
00 Reply
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