How to understand what he REALLY wants from you. Sex buddies or Relationship?

Perhaps,the most common thing women ask themselves is "What does he really want from me?" Well, welcome backstage,to find out his intentions.

How to understant what he REALLY wants from you. Sex buddies or Relationship?

His phone
In your presence, he will literally forget that he had a phone. He will most certainly, not have time to open his Facebook, unless you have to go to the bathroom to powder your nose and refresh yourself. If it was not previously stated, that your date must end, because of an urgent engagement, his interest in "What time is it?" will be zero.

Man, who wants something more serious with you, will never allow himself to talk about sex at the beginning of your conversation, on the first or second date. This is because when a men likes a woman a lot and has serious intentions towards her, sex is in no way a priority. This does not mean, that he doesn't want you. When he really likes you, he is being scared not too be too cautious with the subject, because if he is, you will percieve it the wrong way and things will develop badly,right? This is what men try to avoid,when It's much serious.

P.S. Ignore the foolish idea of testing him and be the first,who starts talking about sex. It's not the way to do this! And what kind of real response would you hope for? "Oh, no, no! There is no such thing, I'm not this type of guy, I would like to get to know you first!". Do not do experiments,they are not in your favor!

P.P.S It is not impossible to talk about sex at an early stage and still want something serious, but the chances are more than minimal.

When you write him, he answers almost instantly. If he doesn't answer quickly, he then gives an account of what he was doing, and why he answered you late, without being asked.

Other women
You will not see him staring at other women. When your he's in your company, for him there is no other girl in the room. He will not talk about intercourse or sympathy related to other women.

P.S I'm not saying that, he will totally stop staring other women's ass, he will not do it in front of you.

Why you askin' all em' questions?
He will ask you questions of any kind and will show serious interest in anything related to your life. Yes, he would really care, which was your favorite subject in school, what is your opinion on GDP and which animal you want to look like. (Not really,but still !!!)

If last time you were having coffee, he will not propose of doing the same. He will continually invent new things to do together. It is very likely for him, to show you his favorite hobby and make you a part of the nonsense he likes.

Chris Rock
No, he is not training his repertoire, wherewith he intends to break into stand-up comedy. He is trying to make you laugh at any time. Is he accomplishing it? This is a completely different topic, but the important thing is, that he puts effort.

His friends
Maybe after the restraint on the sex theme, the desire of introducing you to his closest friends, is extremely indicative of serious intentions.

P.S However,have that in mind. For some it is a very significant gesture, for others it is completely insignificant.

By the
Invitations like this, are not his style - "I'm going out with some of my friends,"somewhere" If you want,you can come." Requests to see you, are going to be clearly stated. In this case, the selection of words is very important, because the difference in the "If you want ..." and "Come!" is colossal.

He is not bothered of demonstrating closeness to you in public places. He does not care who is watching and what would others think.

You will inevitably encounter such individuals who will skillfully simulate everything, just to get in your panties and be happy. Catching those crooks, is up to you.

How to understand what he REALLY wants from you. Sex buddies or Relationship?
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