Why is my ex girlfriend so heartless!?!?!? This sucks!!

Long story short I lived on the west coast partied my ass off living the life. Then I met a girl in the south. Ended up visiting her and falling in love with her. We were in love for 7 months. Talking about our futures one day together. Move to the south because I'm so in love with her. She dumps me telling me its not you its me. She says she needs to do this for her and she doesn't want anything serious. She loved me so much and then about 3 weeks after I moved here it was like I don't love you anymore. What happened? So I did the whole no contact for like 2 weeks. I text her and guess what she is back with her ex. And she is HAPPY. She is like our relationship was puppy love. And I could never bring myself to love you because I had feelings for someone else. She left me after I gave everything to be with her! I mean wheres the happy ending in this. How the hell can someone do that to someone they loved. I am still hurt by this and its been like 4 months. She dumped her ex she was with after me. And now she is with this guy that used to text her while we were together. I told her I still have feelings for her about a month ago. And that I missed her and how I felt about everything. She wouldn't even talk to me on the phone. She texted me that I should move on and that she is happy. And she doesn't know what to say. She is so heartless! I wish I could get some kind of revenge on her. But how could I do that? She wasn't jealous when I was with this other hot girl. I love her and hate her right now and want revenge. How do I get over this girl? I deleted her from my life and told her never to contact me again and I still feel the pain. Why did this girl do this to me? Do you agree she is heartless? What can I do to get over this? Please help me out. I think I may need therapy this is my only outlet for than now.
Why is my ex girlfriend so heartless!?!?!? This sucks!!
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