To tall girls who think they have a claim on all the tall guys, you don't

I know not all tall girls think like this, but I've met quite a few who do and for some of the crazy reasons ever. I'm 6'4 pretty tall or so I've been hearing. Anyway saying because I'm tall I should only date tall women is like say sine I'm black I should only date black women. It's ignorant and the reasons I've been giver have been even worse.

Tall guys belong with tall girls and not short ones

To tall girls who think they have a claim on all the tall guys, you don't.

I can count how many times I've heard this. "Oh we're both tall so we're clearly great for each other," or, "She's short you shouldn't be with her." Sorry, but no that's not how things work. The fact that both of us are tall is not some magic sign that we should get together. Likewise if I'm dating a short girl don't come up to me say that I can't date her because I'm tall and she's short. That's a quick way to get on my bad side.

Tall girls produce athletes.

To tall girls who think they have a claim on all the tall guys, you don't

Yes, I've actually have been told this and my thoughts are, "So what?" Date a tall girl and you could produce the next Micheal Jordan. How is that supposed to make me want to date a tall girl? Honestly this can't even be call an argument let alone a reasonable one.

How can you tell me I can have a height preference when you so

To tall girls who think they have a claim on all the tall guys, you don't

Really? Don't be a hypocrite. I really don't like when a girl tells me I can't do something when she herself does it. How are you going to tell me it wrong for me to not want to date tall girls when you don't want to date short guys. I don't see how it's okay for you, but not me.

You're dating the person, not their traits

To tall girls who think they have a claim on all the tall guys, you don't

See this I can agree with, but to only a certain extent. People tend to go for people that find attactive. So like it or not your traits do play a large part it in. And not everyone is going to like every or any traits that you may or may not have.

To tall girls who think they have a claim on all the tall guys, you don't
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