How to get through an extended break from meaningless dating

I haven't been on a date in almost seven months, and I probably won't go on one for the next seven.

Why? I'm disillusioned. I'm not finding anyone worth the time, effort or money. For a variety of reasons, I have come to believe that finding someone and entering into a deep, meaningful, long-term loving relationship just isn't in the cards for me given my current situation, and I don't really want to change that situation.

I'm still human, though, still a sexual animal, and so I must balance that against my resolve to not date.

Every so often on this board, I find a post by a guy who is similarly frustrated by his prospects in the dating world. I am at a point where not dating is less frustrating than dating, but still frustrating.

If you want to take an extended break from the dating world, here are some techniques I find useful.

1. Fantasy

How to get through an extended break from meaningless dating.

Remember all of those times you missed an opportunity for some wild sexual romp or romantic encounter? What would have happened if the two of you had hooked up? All of those missed opportunities are now sexual fantasies. I never thought I would be glad to have missed out.

Did you think I was going to mention porn here? Porn is like the jumper cables of jacking off. It gets the car started, but fantasy is going to fuel the journey. So examine your fantastical side. Use porn, but be careful, because too much porn can be harmful.

2. Build your other relationships

How to get through an extended break from meaningless dating

Do you have family? Friends? Spend more time with them. Make those relationships stronger and better. A lot of the love we need is already there. We just have to tend it, like a garden.

3) Find something meaningful to work on

How to get through an extended break from meaningless dating

I have taken up some new hobbies since giving up dating. One of those is geneology. I may never have a family of my own, but my siblings' grandchildren will have lots of information about who and where they came from. It's making my life feel more meaningful.

4) Work on your career

How to get through an extended break from meaningless dating

Channel some of that sexual energy into taking on a big project at work, and own it. I was lucky enough to have an opportunity to do this, and it came along just at the right time. It really boosted my self-esteem and confidence when I needed it most.

5) Form friendships with attractive women

How to get through an extended break from meaningless dating

When I meet attractive women and see indicators of interest, I find they make for wonderful (1) Fantasy material. There is no way I would try to mess with that fantasy by taking it to the bedroom, where I am likely to get hurt. Don't mess with those fantasies, they're valuable! Remember, women are lovely as long as you don't try to get into their pants.

In the meantime, form friendships with these women instead. If they like you enough to sleep with you, great! Do they like you enough to NOT sleep with you? Maybe if they do, there is a remote chance of a more meaningful relationship forming down the road.

How to get through an extended break from meaningless dating

Superficial, short-term one-nighters certainly have their place in the world, and for many guys, long-term meaningful relationships are possible and highly recommended. If you find yourself in a situation where dating is becoming increasingly traumatic, there is an alternative. It will be difficult for a while; there is a mourning process, with all of the Kubler-Ross five-stages and what not. It's tough but if you can fight your way through it, you'll find yourself stronger and more confident.

Humans rule the animal kingdom by way of our superior brains. Use your brain and you, too, can tame your inner animal.

Good luck!

How to get through an extended break from meaningless dating
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