Why I think some girls won't date Asian men


Why I think some girls won't date Asian men

I've seen a lot of Indian and Asian men on GAG saying that they don't understand why no girls will date an Asian man. I talked to a couple of Asian friends I have, and I gained an interesting view on why this is. Here's MyTake.

If you're about 20-30 years old, you were probably born before or in the 90s, and you probably know that a white girl with an Indian guy was not the done thing back then. Some parents were still racist jerks, teaching their children that they can't date Asian people. I remember my mom saying to me when I was 10 that I'm not allowed to date men with dark skin, and I asked her why but she just said to me 'Because they're all mean.' However, that didn't stop me from dating Asian boys throughout school. It also didn't stop me from hating that side of my mom.

We all know a few girls who aren't like me. We know that they listened to their fathers or mothers when they said that. And now they can only date white men because of racist parents.

I get that some people are just racist pratzholes, but consider that. If you're an Asian guy reading this, know that there are people like me and my sister and friends who honestly don't care and can look past your skin.

Also, apologies to anyone I might have offended.

Why I think some girls won't date Asian men
6 Opinion