Why You Should Date an "Alternative" Woman

Often when men look at me, they immediately misjudge me. Even in an age where more and more people are choosing to get tattoos, I occasionally still hear things like "Women with tattoos are easy", or "Tattoos really ruin a woman's beauty". I've come to realize that people who are so small-minded like this are not the ones I want to be associated with.

In this post I want to give you a bit of insight on "alternative" women, and why such women are actually worth knowing.

In my next MyTake, I would like to delve into some common misconceptions that people have about alternative women.

Why You should Date an

So, what exactly is an Alternative Woman?

For those of you who aren't completely sure what I mean by "Alternative", I'll explain a little;

We are the minority in the female population. Sure, we have our own strong community, but it's fewer and farther between. We often fall under the labels of "goth", "punk", "geek", "weird". We have unconventional interests and wear fashion styles that don't fall in with popular trends. (For instance, I have a large variety of music that I listen to, I enjoy comic books, video games, gothic literature, horror movies, traveling, nature, palmistry and tarot, and esoteric philosophies)

It's easy to misjudge someone, and we all do it from time to time, but what makes the difference is actually opening your mind enough to accept and appreciate those unique qualities that everyone has.

Why does an alternative woman make an amazing friend/lover?

We are good to have in your life because, if you let us, we will open your eyes.

Maybe you will gain an entirely new and positive perspective on life, and the world will suddenly become your oyster.

For many of us who are "different", we find that working a 9-5 job just isn't fulfilling. Sure, at the end of the pay period, we have some money in our pockets, but that's not what brings us a fulfilling life.

So we search for more.

I like to think of myself as self-sufficient.

I have my own Etsy shop, with a supply of my homemade jewelry and decorations up for sale. I also use my knowledge of cosmetology, and my love for palmistry and tarot reading to provide myself with extra income.

So, I get to do what I'm passionate about whilst being able to pay my debts.

The reason why this can be beneficial to you, is because it can really ignite a flame in your heart. You may discover new passions and interests, which could lead to brand new opportunities that you didn't even know existed!

You will never get bored, because in the eyes of an alternative woman, the world is filled with beauty, and the universe is just teeming with new experiences and places to see. A passion and zest for life often carry over to personal relationships, making for a more intimate, loving, and exciting time (and can really zest your sexy time, too...wink wink)

She is empathetic. Many women who express themselves in a unique way have been put through the ringer, so we understand what it's like to be judged, ostracized and unfairly treated. Therefore we have more sympathy and we are more likely to accept others exactly for who they are.

She can often carry deeper and more meaningful conversation, because alternative women see the world differently, most of us have a completely different mind than the more conventional women. We analyze things, we enjoy learning and taking in all kinds of information, and we like to culture ourselves. So we will be more likely to converse about the topics that many refuse to talk or even think about.

She doesn't give a damn what others think! Confidence is sexy after all, right?

A woman who loves herself and embraces her individuality has more fun!

This is my first MyTake, so I apologize if it's not exactly eloquent, but I tried!

So, post your comments below. What do you think of "alternative" women? Did this article change your view at all? Share your experiences and opinions!

Why You Should Date an "Alternative" Woman
Post Opinion