6 Reasons Why I'll Probably Be Single Forever

1. My standards are "too high"

Apparently, wanting a guy who respects me and who is honest and mature, is asking too much these days. So I am not going to settle for a guy just so that I can say that I am taken.

6 Reasons Why I'll Probably Be Single Forever

2. I do not have sex when I date

I thought this was a normal thing until I heard that some people have sex on the third date. I think dating is getting to know someone, so I am not going to have sex with a guy on the third date, and I think that some guys expect sex on the third date. Which leads me to my next point...

6 Reasons Why I'll Probably Be Single Forever

3. I am not quick to jump into relationships

I have only been in two relationships that lasted a short while (less than 4 months). I did not have sex with my exes because my instincts told me to wait, and for a good reason, too. I dodged a huge bullet.

6 Reasons Why I'll Probably Be Single Forever

4. I cannot date someone I am not physically attracted to

Been there done that and I can't do that anymore. Kudos to the women who do, but I can't, and I am not going to lie- I see women who most of society would consider beautiful with unattractive men. I refuse to do it!

6 Reasons Why I'll Probably Be Single Forever

5. I have a huge wall put up

In my head I am married to Henry Cavill and tacos.

6 Reasons Why I'll Probably Be Single Forever

So unless you are one of those I have a huge wall put up to guard my heart. I no longer wear my heart on my sleeve and I have learned some things the hard way so my filter is high until I really get to know you. I mean I have to really get to know you which takes a long time.

6 Reasons Why I'll Probably Be Single Forever

6. I do not go out as much: I do not go out as much as I use to except when I am going to college.

6 Reasons Why I'll Probably Be Single Forever

But in the end I am happy with being single. If I meet the right guy, I am open to being in a relationship but I would rather be in no relationship than a verbally abusive one. Been there done that and I am not doing it again.


6 Reasons Why I'll Probably Be Single Forever
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