Why Dating Mr. Right Now is DANGEROUS!

I just came out of a really traumatizing relationship. He wasn't physically abusive but mentally vile. It came down to the point where I didn't want to come home, nor did I have any self esteem left in me...before long I was depressed. Why would anyone want me?

I know women joke about, "he isn't Mr. Right but Mr. Right Now" but you have to be careful, because even Mr. Right Now, can be dangerous... and unfortunately here is why.

1. Waste of time & energy

I used to have fun dating around and just hanging out with guys and going on dates... but it hit me a year ago. I was just exhausted from dating and spending my hard earned cash on buying outfits, but worse than that, all my energy and free time was being used up on the wrong guys. It really takes a toll.

Why Dating Mr. Right Now is DANGEROUS!

2. Mr. Right Now is wrong for a reason

If you know the guy that you're with is wrong for you, most likely it's for a reason, right? His attitude, his ambitions, maybe even how he treats you?

Why Dating Mr. Right Now is DANGEROUS!

3. Watch yourself

You have to watch out for yourself, and protect your inner worth. Coming out of dating the wrong guy, I found out that sometimes it's better to be alone than date someone who isn't worthy.

Why Dating Mr. Right Now is DANGEROUS!
Why Dating Mr. Right Now is DANGEROUS!
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