Taking things at face value: Why is it so hard to do it? Are women talking in code themselves?

Lately it's seemed pretty apparent, increasingly so, I might add, since coming to this site, that women do have this nasty habit of reading too far into things. They see things that aren't there, they assume things that aren't true, and they ask questions like "what could that mean" when it can be taken entirely at face value.

To give some examples of what I'm talking about I'm going to list off three answers I've given on this site. There are more and there are many more of the one's I didn't answer but in interest of keeping this somewhat within the allotted 3000 letters, I'll limit it to the three I did answer and maybe toss out a link to the search engine after I'm done.

Q: What does it mean when a guy says "You're looking pretty good"? ( link )

A: It means, "you're looking pretty good". He paid you a compliment.

Q: What does it mean when a guy asks "what are you thinking right now?" ( link )

A: It means he wants to know what you're thinking about, especially if you're cuddling.

Q: What does it mean when a guy says "I feel happy when you're around"? ( link )

A: It means that he feels happy. Specifically when you're around.

These are pretty open and shut cases. They really are. But this is only a sample of three. There's plenty more questions equally bad or worse. Granted the search engine doesn't pull up just the idiots but this will help you find them and see my point. Point being, it seems that women just can't seem to grasp it when we say something direct and straightforward. We pay you a compliment, and you analyze it to death, dissect it and pick it apart for any hidden meanings, secret codes, insights or covert messages when the truth of this is very simple; THERE ISN'T ANY!

This behavior is simply neurotic and obsessive and it makes me wonder some important questions about the women who do this.

First off; Why? Why do you do this? Why do you do this to us? Why do you do this to yourselves? Why can't you accept a compliment a question, or a comment for what it is at face value? Why do you so frequently feel the need to assume that we mean something else by it? Why can't you assume it is what it is?

Secondly; What should us men take away from this? What should we be thinking? That we should now assume, that women think this (men being so complicated), because everything THEY say actually DOES mean something else, and that we should start treating them like everything THEY say actually IS in some code? If so where would that get us?

I don't want to believe that, so why not explain it to me.
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Oh here are two search results. Give it a try to see what I'm talking about.
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Taking things at face value: Why is it so hard to do it? Are women talking in code themselves?
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