Issues with a girl not responding to texts - is this her way of playing mind games or something?

She's definitely into me (given the fact that we've been on a few dates and she's kissed me), but she seems a bit hot and cold when we're not on a date. Like, she often takes a while respond to texts even though I know she received them straight away, but when she is texting me, she seems interested. Is she just playing mind games? (The texts I send her aren't exactly ones where she would have a decent excuse not to reply to them... like, the most recent one was a specific question almost a full day ago, and she hasn't replied to it yet, even though I know she must have seen it.)

Thanks in advance guys and gals <3<3<3=D
Mind games
Doesn't want to appear clingy
Just isn't that interested
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Issues with a girl not responding to texts - is this her way of playing mind games or something?
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