Is He Done With Me or Just Giving Me The Silent Treatment?

He has given me the silent treatment before but if I keep calling or texting he starts back talking to me . I told him it drives me nuts when he ignores me and doesn't talk it out. He is a very moody person , and seems to easily get mad over small things, (like me not texting back soon enough).

A few weeks ago he seemed to be upset with me about something that happened so I decided to give him space (he told me that's what I should do when he's mad, but I think he likes when I keep txting him). I texted him a few days later telling him I missed him and all he said was okay. So I stopped txting him and left him alone for a week, texted him twice, no reply. A week later texted him again telling him how much I missed him , even asking him to just tell me to leave him alone , still no reply !

I realize how desperate I've been coming off and I know I need to stop because his girl friends don't like me and I'm sure he's probably telling them . I'm going to try not to text him again this week but its hard when he won't give me any closure! Why won't he even take the time to tell me to leave him alone?
Is He Done With Me or Just Giving Me The Silent Treatment?
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