Why More Guys Should Give Country Music a Chance!

Based on what I see on this site, I think more guys should give country music a bit more of a chance. What I've seen most often is an interest in heavy metal and more aggresive styles of music, however, my recent dip into country music has calmed me and helped develop on things we discuss on here.

Why More Guys Should Give Country a Chance!

Country music is about taking responsibility for your mistakes. There's a large opening lyrically for falling into alchoholism, cheating, and generally falling off track in life with a sort of apologetic--may God get me through this sort of acceptance to it. I think men carry a great deal of unconsious guilt for not being the men they'd like to be, for hurting girls feelings and feeling like that makes me not a worthwhile boyfriend to a future girl, and for maybe not having the success they want and getting more rejections than they expected they'd recieve. By releasing that pain and guilt, a man can move forward in and live in the light of his own frank honesty. It's also very healthy for relationships when a man can admit he is falling off and that he'd like to get back in the right lane.

Why More Guys Should Give Country Music a Chance!

Country music is about being a Good Man not a Nice Guy. It's about strength of character and doing the right thing because it's in your character to care and respect others whereas music from the likes of Ed Sheeran and other pop sensations designed for women are about being nice and respectful to the girl BECAUSE she is beautiful which is how this whole nice guy getting rejected fiasco starts in the first place. By focusing on being the type of guy that said guy himself respects he will gain confidence becasue he will feel worthwile to the girl and to himself. He won't be bothered by feeling of insecurity because he has countless examples of how he's living up to the man he's capable of being.

Why More Guys Should Give Country Music a Chance!

Country music is not racist. SOME country music fans are racist for sure. Some musicians could be racist too. Many hip hop stars are sexist and so are many fans of that genre. It's music not politics. There is nothing racist about the genre of country music as it exists today. I'm glad so many guys are politically aware and don't want to be stigmatized but I do think it's unddeserved.

Why More Guys Should Give Country Music a Chance!

Country music is not girly. I sometimes want to listen to emotionally charged music but as a man the majority of music that deals with the emotions is directed at fantasies women have of men that they probably don't really even want (much like the fantasies guys have of girls who are up for all sorts of unconvential sexual situations.)

I'm not saying it's the end all be all by any means, but it deserves a chance. As I said, it's calmed me down because as a man in touch with his emotions not many other genres are able to possess both masculine strength and emotional catharsis at the same time. Give it a shot if you're bored.

Why More Guys Should Give Country Music a Chance!
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