Debt, Fighting, and The Perfect Selfie: Why Celebrities Need To Suck It Up Already

Since I am not a celebrity, I cannot vouch for the hardships they face in life. However, after following the not-so-private lives of these Hollywood starlets through the tabloids and social media, I’ve decided that celebrities have a warped sense of reality (duh). Life is tough and things don’t always go my way, but when faced when an issue, my only option is to figure out how to fix it and move on in life. Sure, it’s not my favorite way of handling situations that don’t work out, but that’s part of being an adult.

Think of it this way: When you were younger and you didn’t get what you wanted, your parents got onto you for throwing a temper tantrum. Well it seems to me that celebrities have become so accustomed to getting what they want, that in the rare cases they can’t solve an issue, they throw a temper tantrum. Let’s explore.

Kanye West

Debt, Fighting, and The Perfect Selfie: Why Celebrities Need To Suck It Up Already

The musician. The fashion designer. The Kardashian husband. The man who doesn’t smile.

It was recently announced that Kanye West is officially broke - That’s right, $53 million in debt. My first question is how on earth can you even spend $53 million dollars?! In a non-Hollywood scenario, anyone would realize their financial situation is hitting a slump and would choose to live a less lavish lifestyle. Perhaps you would consider a new career, sell some of your belongs, or simply reevaluate your day-to-day routine. For Kanye, this clearly never crossed his mind. Rather than selling his sports cars or vacation homes, or perhaps dropping some sponsored instagram posts to pull in a bit of cash, Yeezy took the sympathy route and begged for handouts. That’s right, Kanye has been tweeting the world asking for money to pay off his debts.

Debt, Fighting, and The Perfect Selfie: Why Celebrities Need To Suck It Up Already

“But I need access to more money in order to bring more beautiful ideas to the world” - As heartwarming as this is, I feel confident that anyone with access to $53 million could bring beautiful ideas to the world too… and not end up broke.

To top off the nonsense, Yeezy tweeted Mark Zuckerburg for $1 billion to bail him out. Though Kanye can bring some sweet lyrics to the world, he lacks the common sense to realize you never “tweet” the founder of “Facebook”. Epic Fail.

Debt, Fighting, and The Perfect Selfie: Why Celebrities Need To Suck It Up Already

Ronda Rousey

Debt, Fighting, and The Perfect Selfie: Why Celebrities Need To Suck It Up Already

If you saw this GAG question earlier this week, then you are familiar with Ronda Rousey’s breakdown this past Fall. The UFC fighter opens up about her depression from losing her title to Holly Holm in November and her suide considerations. She felt she had no reason to live anymore, and that no one gave a “sh*t” about her, so there was no need to continue living.

Ronda Rousey was the leading UFC fighter, and it only seems fair to understand that other people also work hard and deserve a chance to hold such a mighty title. Before the fight, Ronda refused to bump gloves with Holly and entered the ring with pure arrogance. When Holly beat Ronda in the match, rather than parading around the ring cockily as Ronda had always done, Holly simply seemed genuinely excited to be included and offered to help her partner.

Debt, Fighting, and The Perfect Selfie: Why Celebrities Need To Suck It Up Already

Rather than congratulating another female who has worked equally as hard as herself, Ronda refused to acknowledge Holly and turned the spotlight on herself. Though losing the title must have been quite hard for Rousey, claiming she had no reason to live anymore seems a bit extreme.

There’s nothing more unattractive than a sore loser, and Rousey’s blatant expression of poor sportsmanship really shined a new light on her success over the years. Be thankful for the awards you’ve accomplished, but learn to support and congratulate those who worked hard for what they deserve as well.

Essena O’Neill

Debt, Fighting, and The Perfect Selfie: Why Celebrities Need To Suck It Up Already

Though this breakdown began well, over the course of time the initial effect was lost in the sudden fame. Meet Essena O’Neill: the instafamous blogger from Australia who made a public announcement to quit social media as it was “contrived perfection made to get attention”. The blogger had over a half a million instagram followers when she decided to leave the platform, but the events that unraveled quickly backtracked her message.

Debt, Fighting, and The Perfect Selfie: Why Celebrities Need To Suck It Up Already

After releasing an emotional video on her blog, Essena broke down about the problems with social media - the obsession with her image, documenting a fake lifestyle, and being paid to post specific items she claimed to “love” overwhelmed her with a false sense of reality. Essena strived to encourage girls to be real and not give into the pressure of being perfect based on the girls you see on social media.

The message took a twist when Essena’s fame grew. She was contacted to speak on television shows, give interviews to major publications, and she continued video blogging about the updates of her new success. What started as a plan to leave social media and live a normal/simple life transformed into a heightened popularity by simply shifting to new media outlets. Whether it was a publicity stunt to peak to new levels or simply an unexpected outcome of a virally obsessed teen, one way or the other - Essena’s breakdown was quite the opposite of her selfless approach.

Essena announced to Time Magazine that she is releasing a satirical book called How To Be Social Media Famous.

Maybe it’s just me, but I do not feel sympathy for any of these people. Being $53 million in debt as a celebrity, losing a UFC title, or feeling the pressure of selfies as an instafamous teen don’t exactly come to mind when I think about world problems. What about you? Do you think celebs just need to suck it up and realize the world has bigger problems?

Debt, Fighting, and The Perfect Selfie: Why Celebrities Need To Suck It Up Already

Debt, Fighting, and The Perfect Selfie: Why Celebrities Need To Suck It Up Already
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