7 Reasons Why I Don't Wear A Lot Of Makeup

The only makeup I ever wear is mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick/gloss/balm and here are a few reasons why.

1) Makeup Increases Acne

7 Reasons Why I Don't Wear A Lot Of Makeup

The more concealer and foundation you put on, the more chance there is of you breaking out. Which you then cover again with more makeup. Which to me seems kind of redundant if you don't have acne in the first place, like a cycle you created and continue to rotate constantly.

2) It's Deceiving

7 Reasons Why I Don't Wear A Lot Of Makeup

I don't want to wipe away my makeup and find out that my boyfriend or friends don't recognize me. I like looking like myself, even if myself isn't perfect.

3) It's Expensive

7 Reasons Why I Don't Wear A Lot Of Makeup

Makeup costs an absolute fortune, especially when it's good stuff, like MAC or anything from Sephora.

So why would I spend 21 dollars on a lipstick when I can spend a dollar on a chapstick that will just keep my lips naturally moisturized and looking nice?

4) It's Bad For Your Skin

7 Reasons Why I Don't Wear A Lot Of Makeup

I think it's pretty clear that putting chemicals on your face every day is not good for your health. The chemicals seep through your skin and into your blood stream and can cause early aging and bad skin in the future.

5) I Don't Have To Check My Face Every Hour

7 Reasons Why I Don't Wear A Lot Of Makeup

Having to check a mirror every so often to make sure your face isn't melting off can get tedious and be a hassle, that I, as a low-maintenance person, don't want to worry about.

6) Most Of It Is Tested On Animals

7 Reasons Why I Don't Wear A Lot Of Makeup

Most makeup products are tested on animals, which kind of sucks.

Even if you aren't super concerned with saving animals and being nature friendly, it kind of sucks to think that some poor animal was tested on so that you could have the perfect smokey eye.

7) If Someone Doesn't Like Me Without Makeup, Why Would I Like Them?

7 Reasons Why I Don't Wear A Lot Of Makeup

This is similar to the boyfriend thing.

If a guy doesn't want to approach me because I don't wear enough makeup, or he doesn't think I'm pretty enough, then he isn't someone I want to be with. If I'm going to be with someone I want them to love my face from the get go, not the face I painted on an hour ago.

I know a lot of girls have a different view point of makeup and I think that's awesome too. For some of you, makeup is a part of who you are. If it makes you happy and confident then absolutely go for it. This is just my personal feelings for myself. I do not think any less of a woman who wears a full face of makeup every day than a woman who wears nothing at all, because we all have different personalities that require different lifestyles.

Thank you for reading! 😊

7 Reasons Why I Don't Wear A Lot Of Makeup
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