I'm a curveless woman. Am I automatically considered unsexy?

I'm an all-around petite woman: 5 feet tall, A cup, smaller, flatter butt. Not very curvy at all. I hear all the time that men prefer curves: they're more visually appealing, better for sex, etc. And I agree with them. I find my body type to be unsexy and prepubescent (lack of height doesn't help). I'm afraid to go out and flirt with guys because I feel like I'll be rejected for my lack of curves.

So since guys love curves, what do women like me do? Is there anyone out there who actually prefers a figure like mine (without saying so because they're desperate or trying to make me feel better)? Am I doomed to forever alone-ness because of this body type I can't control?
I'm a curveless woman. Am I automatically considered unsexy?
7 Opinion