Why is a girl with a boyfriend hot and cold after appearing extremely interested?

My friend and his wife introduced me to their friend in hopes that we would hit it off. We did, however, the problem here is that she has a boyfriend and they have a lot of issues. She has even talked about not knowing why she's with him because he doesn't show interest in her at all.

Things escalated pretty quickly and we started texting and flirting a lot. When we would hang out (in a group) she would make contact and be generally flirty. After all of the times we hung out we would stay up texting and flirting late into the night. We had also been talking frequently during the day (she initiated most of the conversations).

Things suddenly changed this past week. We hung out on Saturday and were flirting/touching etc. Then we were heavily flirting into the night and talking about sleeping together etc.

We again talked some during the day on Sunday, but then her communication stopped. She eventually messaged me again on Wednesday and we talked for a little while. What really confused me was that as I was going to be she told me that she was going over to her boyfriends. At the exact time my alarm went off the next morning she messaged me. We talked for a few minutes then she mentioned how her boyfriend was being a dick while she was there.

As for today, we're back to not talking and I'm trying to get some advice on how I should proceed. I like this girl and up until Saturday saw that she was very interested too. I'm trying to figure out how I should move forward with this girl.

Thanks in advance for your advice.
Why is a girl with a boyfriend hot and cold after appearing extremely interested?
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