Why do girls use guys for attention when they already have a guy they're romantically interested in?

Seriously, why do women want a guy's attention when they are already romantically interested in another guy? What's the need for them to so desperately want to have attractive guy friends?

This happened with three girls.

They constantly text with me and want me to hang out with them. All 3 send me seductive photos of themselves. One sends me snapchats of her b00bs and panties before going to bed, but asks me for advice about a guy she's trying super hard to date

Whenever we go out and I try and flirt with them, they suppress my advances. Then when I'm home, they start the texting and luring again.

When I finally chat to them for some clarity, they tell me that they find me attractive, but they just want to be friends. That they have another guy they really wish they were in a relationship with, but things are unsteady or uncertain and they don't know what will happen. They then go on to say that "I don't want to hurt you".

TBH..I just want to have casual sex with them! They friggin planted those thoughts into me but then tell me I'm not what they're after? WTF?

Guys..how do you handle this situation?

I might have handled it poorly by telling them that I will never see them in a romantic context again and that we can only be friends, and then I cut back my communication with them.

After confronting one of them who wanted me to be her friend, I told her "Sorry, but I'm not the nice guy you are after. While I trust you, let's not waste each others' time".

I don't care if she thinks I'm a jerk..I'm just making my intentions and feelings clear ASAP.
Why do girls use guys for attention when they already have a guy they're romantically interested in?
8 Opinion