Not too long ago, GaG added a handy little "invite" option to questions and MyTakes. At first I was totally on board with the idea. It could help out new users who need to stir up more opinions on their questions, or it could be used to show someone specific something you think they'd have a good answer to. I never used the invite option myself, but it seems that I'm involved in it quite often.

I don't use this site nearly as much as I used to since school started up, but I do still get on here occasionally. I get so excited when I see my notifications lit up with a little number 10 or even 20 next to it! But alas, it's just a bunch of strangers inviting me to share my opinion on things I have no view or interest on.

I do not want to be involved in your political debate.

I will occasionally share my opinion on a political topic, but I honestly hate being involved in political discussions or debates. I don't have a large knowledge in the topic, and I have zero interest in it. However, I seem to be invited to share my opinion on one daily.

I do not want to tell you my sexual preferences.

I've become a lot more open with mildly sexual questions here since beginning my membership. I'm not very widely knowledgeable in that topic, but I do have my share of experiences and advice to those who need it. However, apparently being a female and answering even one sex related questions means I will answer your deepest stalkerish wonders. Seriously guys, I don't want to answer your sex questions. You don't need to know if I like to be fingered or if I like pubic hair on men. Those are things you probably shouldn't be asking me, and things I definitely won't be answering. Just stop inviting me to it.

I can not help you with every life issue.

There are a few people who I've managed to help out with some tough life decisions. Unfortunately, some of those people have begun to see me as some wise-beyond my years little problem solver. I can tell you when you've found yourself in a family issue and how to deal with it, but I cannot be a psychiatrist. I will listen to your sad stories and try to give my input, but I cannot fix your dissolving relationship with your mother. I honestly feel bad not being able to help, but if you need my advice you can ask me in a personal message and I'll answer to the best of my ability. I will not answer on a question you've invited me to several times.

I have no interest in any of this! Why are you even inviting me?!

If you invite me to answer your question or read a MyTake, please try to make sure it's something I'd enjoy answering or reading. If you don't specifically think of me while asking or writing something, there's a chance that I'll feel no connection to it and won't bother leaving an opinion. It is easy to tell what things would interest me simply by checking out other things I've answered, wrote, or even said in private messages. It isn't hard to think "Would she really care about this?" If the answer is no, please don't invite me.

I have nothing against being invited to answer questions, but it's ridiculous to have 10-20 invites and no interest in a single one I'm invited to. I do have a couple of people who regularly invite me to things (literally all of their posts), and I do like most of those people themselves, but the invites are outrageous. If I want to answer, I'll see it and answer. If you think I'd like to answer, then feel free to invite me. Otherwise, invite everyone else, please.

Post Opinion