My prom date won't pay for my ticket?

A guy asked me to prom. Prom is basically a week away and he text me today saying "Hey I just paid off all my fines so I can buy a prom ticket now. I only got enough money for one so you gotta buy ur own"

Some extra side notes. We're not friends just two people who talk a lot in school. And the reason he said "fines" is because in my school you have to pay off your detention, tuition, and attendance fines if you want to go to prom (he skips school a lot so he got a lot of fines for that).

And he doesn't have a job and told me before his parents just give him money.

Our prom tickets are $70 per person ($140 a couple). But it's at a really nice place, like REALLY nice!

I'm really mad and haven't said anything to him. Everyone I talked to says he should pay. But I don't know what to say to him. I really need some help here :(

Or should I put up with this and just pay for my own?
My prom date won't pay for my ticket?
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