How To Work Out Safely During the Summer For You and Your Dog

BeeNee a

It is hot AF outside these days, and if working out indoors just isn't your thing, there are some safety precautions you should take to ensure you have as safe of a summer workout as possible.

How To Workout Safely During the Summer For You and Your Dog

H Y D R A T E!

This one is hopefully a no brainer, and yet so many people get sent to the hospital due to issues with dehydration. The hotter it is, the more you sweat, the more you sweat, the more water you need to be ingesting. If you are already thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Before you even step foot outside, drink a couple of cups of water, and then every 20-30 mins, keep taking light sips or any time you need it, and then of course, after the workout down some more water. You can of course carry a water bottle, strap one to your bike, wear hydration packs, or bottle holders that snap to your waist to ensure continual hydration.

How To Work Out Safely During the Summer For You and Your Dog

Change up your workout times

There is no need for you to workout at noon when the sun is frying up eggs on the concrete hot. Depending on where you are, somewhere between 10am and 3pm are the hottest times of the day that will just sap your energy and can be quite dangerous to your health. Avoid these times for outdoor workouts, and instead hit the trails or the paths before or after those times and even then, especially in late afternoon try your best to workout in areas that are heavily shaded.

How To Work Out Safely During the Summer For You and Your Dog

Wear sweat wicking workout clothes

Now is not the time to wear your full on long sleeve hoodie. Your workout gear needs to be light in color/material and loose and/or contain sweat wicking properties to help you from overheating.

How To Work Out Safely During the Summer For You and Your Dog

Wear sunscreen

SPF 45 is a good standard and ideally apply before you step outside to help protect your skin.

How To Work Out Safely During the Summer For You and Your Dog

Workout with a friend

Not only is this just good advice in general, in case of a medical emergency, heat stroke, dehydration, etc., a workout buddy can turn into a life saver.

How To Work Out Safely During the Summer For You and Your Dog

Notify or leave a note about your workout routine

If you are working out alone, it's a good idea to leave a note, text, or notify family/friend of where you're going, what route you're taking, and when you should be back just in case.

How To Work Out Safely During the Summer For You and Your Dog

Know when to call it quits!

1. There is a heat/weather advisory

2. You've run out of water or can't find access to water en route

3. Your heart is racing uncontrollably

4. You're nauseous and/or vomiting

5. You have a headache or fever

6. Your skin is flushed, you're beet red

7. You feel loopy or dizzy

8. You have cold, pale, clammy skin

9. You feel faint or pass out

10. Your body is cramping up

Numbers 3-10 are emergency situations for which you should stop your workout immediately. Ask for assistance from a friend or passerby if need be, get to a cool place preferably under some cool air, loosen your clothing, apply cold compresses to the neck, armpits, and groin, elevate your feet, begin hydration. If symptoms do not begin to alleviate, call 9-1-1 immediately.

How To Work Out Safely During the Summer For You and Your Dog

Don't Forget About your Pups Safety

If you workout with your dog (s), they need hydration frequently as well. If the concrete or sand is hot to your human touch or the temp outside is above 85 degrees F, this is dangerous to sensitive dog paws. Heavy excessive panting, gums changing color, thick or frothy saliva, your dog seems confused, diarrhea and vomiting, dog refusing to move or collapses are signs your dog is in trouble.

Remove them from the heat and get them into the cool air immediately (preferably a fan blowing constant air). Do not ice your dog down, but instead apply cool towels or cool water repeatedly. Ice will constrict their blood vessels too fast causing them to cool down slower. Give your dog water, but do not force it and call the vet ASAP!

How To Work Out Safely During the Summer For You and Your Dog
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