I'm trying to lose weight, but I feel heavier than ever

Okay, I know its only been 3 weeks, and its hard to change my diet (i've given up soda, which I drink only about once per few weeks, but when I do drink I have a bunch, also gave up alcohol, and try to eat less), but I still feel like a Lard Ass. I mean I look at myself and see a bit of a guy and double chin, and I just get depressed even though I've worked out an hour every weekday for the past 3 weeks (not enough I know, it takes a long time), it just feels like its taking too long, and I'll keep working out, but its like what's the point, I mean I'm 5 ft 7 228 (when I last weighted myself at home at Easter), shouldn't the pounds be fairly easy to lose? I don't know its just that sometimes I wish I could get some sickness that would make me lose weight like a friend of mine did (he was 5ft 5 180, but lost 40 lbs with some unknown illness), I know its twisted, but its just I wish there were someway to lose 50 lbs, but I know you can't healthily do that in a few months, even a year it would be hard. I mean I want to keep exercising, but I feel like I'm just gonna be some fat ass loser and never have a girlfriend or anything, just be some big fat guy clown. Any suggestions for how to lose more wight
I'm trying to lose weight, but I feel heavier than ever
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