Why do I act so dumb?

I've noticed that I say really stupid shit in front of people and have a hard time comprehending a lot of stuff. I'm extremely ditzy and clumsy. I never used to be this way so why now? I'm actually a really smart person but why is this happening to me? Example.. tonight at a family get together I for some reason apparently couldn't figure out the coffee pot.. how fuckin hard is it to make coffee. The thing overflowed somehow and made a huge mess. I apologized and cleaned it up but everyone was almost in shock at how retarded it was. Another example.. Someone in the family told a joke everyone in the room burst out laughing and it took me like 3 minutes to understand it. I was just staring like a deer in headlights. I used to be really witty and quick. Why am I suddenly slow and idiotic? I have a history of drug abuse so I was thinking maybe that fried my brain? I also suffer from bipolar and PTSD but I've never had this problem and it's worrying/ confusing me.
Why do I act so dumb?
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