Crest White Strips. What is your rating on them?

I normally get 20-25% bleaching syringes from the dentist. Luckily I have a friend that works for a dentist so I get them at a very low price. Syringes from the dentist came rank up a hefty bill.

I've never tried crest whitening strips but I have friends that tell me it is the best. Those who have used it...what do you think?

I already have average whitened teeth from the syringes I used 4 months ago but I would like my teeth to look professionally white! You Hollywood celebrity white. Crest white strips seem very simple and non-messy. My gums are pretty sensitive to the previous bleaching I did, but crest white strips don't cause irritation to gums?

Anyway here is a link to crest's 3D white bleaching kits. I was wondering which one further advances white teeth? Or which one just works very well from your experience.

Thanks you much!

Crest White Strips. What is your rating on them?
5 Opinion