Why I have opted out of marriage, relationships and children

Why I have opted out of marriage, relationships and children.

I decided to write this take because lately I have seen a lot of women asking questions relating to why men seem less and less interested in relationships. While I cannot speak on behalf of the entire male population, I’m sure many other guys have similar reasons. I could honestly write a book regarding my thoughts on the subject, but I will try to keep it as short as I can. Feel free to post any questions you may have in the comments.

When I was 17 the idea of a relationship and even marriage and kids was very appealing to me. It sounded great. Having someone to do fun things with, bounce ideas of off, get emotional support and encouragement and sex on a daily basis.

I learned a lot in the past decade from a combination of personal experience, stories from friends and family and events on the evening news. I have been accused of sexual harassment several times at work by women simply because they did not like me and wanted me fired, I had an ex-girlfriend who tried to get me arrested by filing a false police report alleging that I had been stalking, harassing and threating her. When that didn’t work out she then tired getting me kicked out of college my saying I had been stalking her on campus. Had another girl lie about being pregnant to try and prevent me from breaking up with her and I have even been falsely accused of rape to protect her reputation. She didn’t want people to know she had sex outside of a relationship. I have never had a guy do anything like that to me either. That type of betrayal has only come from women.

In addition to that I have seen a scary amount of stories in the news where guys were either almost sent to prison for over a decade or guys who had already served time but where later found innocent because of either witness accounts, DNA evidence, surveillance cameras and text messages that had been found on the girls cell phone.

This taught me that there seems to be a lot of bias against men to the point that they are vilified and women are made out to be sweet innocent and helpless. This bias is to the point where if a female accuses a male of any sort of sexual transgression in school, work or home he is often expelled, fired or sent to jail without any evidence that he did anything wrong. A bias that mainstream feminism no doubt played a role in.

Now I know what you’re thinking… “But not all girls act like that”, which may very well be true. However, there are a lot more girls like that out there than a lot of people realize and they are very good at hiding it. Then with a simple yet unfounded accusation they can destroy you. Combine this with the fact that in the vast majority of divorces men lose half of their net worth and a portion of the income to the women. In short, she profits while he is driven to the brink of bankruptcy.

I would still want a relationship if it was laid upon a fair playing table, but it’s not. With men being sent to prison, kicked out of college or fired over false allegations, almost a 1 in 3 paternity fraud rate and the general bias towards men more and more guys are starting to realize what’s going on.

We have become annoyed with a lot this nonsense to the point we don’t want to spend any more time with women than we need to. So what do we do? We spend just enough time with women to have sex with them and women have no one to blame but themselves.

Why I have opted out of marriage, relationships and children
Post Opinion