Looks Aren't Everything, But Neither is Personality

Looks Aren't Everything, But Neither is Personality

We always see things in the media claiming that personality is the only thing that matters and that looks shouldn't/don't matter. Am I the only one who believes that isn't the case?

Hear me out.

Of course who a person is on the inside is SO INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT, but I don't think people give enough credit to beauty, or in some cases, lack thereof.

My first point:

How a person takes care of themselves says so much about them

Looks Aren't Everything, But Neither is Personality

The first time you meet someone it's next to impossible not to judge their character from the way they look. For example, if you're a girl and you meet two boys, one has a nice scent, clean styled hair, and American Eagle clothes and the other smells of BO, has messy hair, and is wearing Walmart brand clothes, will you think, "that second guy seems like he could really make me happy"?

And the same Vice Versa.

Being clean and taking care of yourself means you are reliable, independant, and civilized. These are things you want in a potential partner.


Having a fit body means you are healthy

Looks Aren't Everything, But Neither is Personality

Being fit (I.E. Muscular, athletic, strong) means different but equally important things between the two sexes. A fit woman will be fertile and have healthy and easy pregnancies and a fit man can protect and provide for the woman and the children. This dates back to the beginning of time. When humans were cavemen, no man or woman would seek an overweight mate, because that just wouldn't be logical.

This is not supposed to be offensive to overweight people but I cannot say I agree with promoting obesity and telling children "every body is beautiful" because we should be promoting nutritious eating and fitness. Which is healthy, happy, and sexy!

Being fit also tells that a person is strong-willed, persistent, and capable.


A pretty face is both telling AND healthy

Looks Aren't Everything, But Neither is Personality

A beautiful face can say a lot about a person and a lot about their health. When you meet a person with a clear complexion, white teeth, and volumous hair they appear more put-together, organized, and healthy. It signifies competence, good genes, and morale. As opposed to someone with acne, yellow-ish teeth, and fine brittle hair who would appear sickly, unkempt, unreliable, and unhygenic.

There are so many little things that indicate bigger things on a persons face. A person with dark underneath, yellowing, or bloodshot eyes is probably sickly, under stress or dealing with exhaustion and a person with patchy skin can have heart issues. To the intrained eye, these things just seem "unattractive" but the real reason you see it that way is because they are signs of an unhealthy person.


Fourth and finally:

The way a person dresses ALSO says so much about them as a person

Looks Aren't Everything, But Neither is Personality

Everybody has their own type. Whether you're a girl who likes bad boys or you're a guy who likes girly girls. The way a person dresses can potentially amp up their attractiveness to the right person. A man dressed in a suit will usually be seen as more attractive to a woman because it will appear that he is sophisticated, smart and hygenic. Vice versa; a woman will usually appear more attractive to a man whilst she is dolled up in a dress and heels because she will appear confident, elegant, high-class, and once again, hygenic.

Being attractive and well-kempt makes people confident and happy which attributes to their health and personality. So the next time you think that someone is shallow for judging a persons character by the way they look, just remember that even though who a person is inside is the most important thing in the world, looks are also very important.

Looks Aren't Everything, But Neither is Personality
Post Opinion