Are You Addicted to Your Phone?

So, I have to admit that I'm addicted to my phone and I need rehab. Yes, my name is Clarisa and I'm addicted to my phone. To be fair, it wasn't always like that; there was a time that I went 2 years without a phone and I was prefectly fine. But now I cannot leave my phone alone for more than 5 minutes because it makes me uneasy.

Are You Addicted to Your Phone?

Are you addicted to your phone? Here's a quick quiz to see if you are:

1. You’re at a restaurant and your dinner companion gets up to use the restroom. How long does it take you to check your phone?
a) 2 seconds
b) 10 seconds
c) 30 seconds
d) I‘m an alien and I wouldn’t check my phone

2. When you first wake up in the morning, how long are you conscious before checking your phone?
a) 2 seconds
b) 10 seconds
c) 30 seconds
d) I don’t check my phone at all

3. How do you feel about Instagramming food photos?
a) Always
b) I’m guilty of this sometimes
c) When someone posts a food photo, I’m tempted to unfollow them
d) What’s Instagram again?

4. Do you bring your phone into the bathroom with you?
a) Always
b) I’ve done it before
c) Only if there’s some kind of emergency
d) That’s disgusting, why are you asking me that?

5. When’s the last time you stopped, mid-conversation, and brandished your phone to display a photo, YouTube video or other example that “added something” to the discussion?
a) I’m actually showing this quiz to my friend, on my phone, right now
b) Earlier today
c) Sometime in the last week
d) Never. Shoving phones in people’s faces is rude

6. Can you watch an entire TV show without referring to your phone?
a) TV shows were made for live tweeting!
b) No; checking my phone while watching TV is my way of multitasking
c) Maybe, if the show is captivating enough
d) Yes! One screen is enough, thank you

7. Where is your phone when you go to sleep?
a) Tucked gently under my pillow
b) On my bedside table
c) Elsewhere in the bedroom, probably charging
d) Purposefully left in some other part of my home

If you could only have ONE of the following options for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
Option A: Chocolate and Pizza
Option B: Your phone

Time to add up your score…
Give yourself

3 points for A answers

2 points for B answers

1 point for C answers

0 points for D answers

For the bonus question: If you chose option B, add 10 points.

If you got 33-23points : You are officially addicted to your phone.

If you got 22-12 points: You like your phone or might even love it.

If you got 11 or fewer points: Congratulations! You’re not all that into your phone. And, um, who are you? Can you help us???

Are You Addicted to Your Phone?

Are You Addicted to Your Phone?
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