What Magick Is And What A Witch Is: Pagan And Wiccan Edition

Okay so there seems to be confusion as to what a Wicca is, and what real magick is. I will try my best to explain everything clearly, and if you are going to be rude with your opinion (with whatever it is), I will block you immediately if you cannot respect my religion.

What Magick Is And What A Witch Is: Pagan And Wiccan Edition

Wiccans believe in the God and Goddess, who are equal to one another. Generally, each witch will have a certain deity in which they connect with more, for example, my mother connects with Ishtar the most, as she believes Ishtar the goddess has appeared in her dreams.

[Ishtar is the goddess of fertility, love, war, and sex.]

The Goddess for me is Nyx. Goddess of the night time, darkness, and she stood at or near the beginning of creation and mothered other personified deities such as Hypnos (Sleep) and Thanatos (Death), with Erebus (Darkness).

What Magick Is And What A Witch Is: Pagan And Wiccan Edition

Also, Wiccan's and some Pagans I believe, use tarot cards, and here are some of the Wiccan symbols we use:

What Magick Is And What A Witch Is: Pagan And Wiccan Edition

Here's the difference between "magic" and "magick".

Magic- is the equivalent of what a magician does on stage, mostly parlor tricks and slight of hand.
Magick- is the harnessing and utilization of the subtle energies of the world around us, used to effect change in said world to make it better for those we care about ( healing for a sick friend, healing the earth herself) to help ourselves with certain problems [ mainly resorted to after mundane remedies have not solved].

Wicca is a Pagan religion, and Paganism [as I have stated in a take before] is one of the oldest religions, Paganism predated Christianity, as does Judaism.

Paganism: a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions.

Wicca: the religious cult of modern witchcraft, especially an initiatory tradition founded in England in the mid 20th century and claiming its origins in pre-Christian pagan religions.

What Magick Is And What A Witch Is: Pagan And Wiccan Edition

Sadly, Paganism was a label that Christians applied to others, one of the antitheses that were central to the process of Christian self-definition. As such, throughout history it was generally used in a derogatory sense. They used it for anyone who was not their own, Judaism or Islam- the three Abrahamic religions.

Do you see the Pentacle down below? That is the symbol of the Pagans, also Wicca. Wicca has many symbols themselves, but that is the main one for the religion. Generally, it is known as the "Satanic symbol" or the "Devil's symbol". It is not. The pentacle has an element for each point on the star.

What Magick Is And What A Witch Is: Pagan And Wiccan Edition

The upside-down pentacle known as the pentagram, is the real "satanic symbol", along with the Leviathan cross.

What Magick Is And What A Witch Is: Pagan And Wiccan Edition

Wiccan's are called "Witches" because we channel energy into power, or even "spells". Wiccan spells are not "voodoo, black magic, flying broomsticks" or any of that Hollywood Bullshit. Wicca believes in the channeling of the energies around us, because everything has energy. Wiccans are generally good, and those who do the good magick are called "white witches" and we practice "white magick".

Keep in mind, Wicca also has "Commandments", basically a moral code in which we follow. There are different versions but they mainly say the same shit. For example: We do not use "black magick", because we believe the energy we give out, is what we get in return just 3x as intense.

What Magick Is And What A Witch Is: Pagan And Wiccan Edition

If one would wish to do a spell, say one for luck in money.

This is a simple white magick spell which will help you overcome financial difficulties and attract money successfully into your life. It can also be used as a spell to help you in business.

You will need:

-A gold chain

-A gold ring

-Three yellow candles

Wiccan Money Spell

Cast your circle of protection.

Put the yellow candles in front of you, forming a triangle.

Light the candles, then place the gold ring and the gold chain in the middle of that triangle.

Visualize the centre of the triangle filling with prosperity energy, and all the abundance of the universe.

Get into this visualization as strongly as you can, and then chant the simple mantra below three times:

Wealth, abundance and prosperity, Flow into my life and set me free. It is my will; So mote it be.

Now take the gold ring and put it on the gold chain. Then put the chain around your neck, and feel the prosperity energy connecting with your own energy. Wear the gold chain as often as you can, as it will now attract money into your life.

What Magick Is And What A Witch Is: Pagan And Wiccan Edition

Now, notice how that spell focused on the visualization and energy? All you have to do is believe in the energy, and it will happen.

Now, I hope you understand more! I tried to keep it to the basics while explaining everything clearly and adding examples. Now may I repeat: I will block you immediately if you cannot respect my religion.

Sources: https://wiccanspells.info/simple-wiccan-money-spell/





Mainly google along with:

To ride a silver broomstick Book by Silver RavenWolf

The Wicca handbook by Eileen Holland

Witchcraft today by Gerald Gardner

The beginners guide to Wicca by Starhawk

A witch's 10 commandments by marian singer

What Magick Is And What A Witch Is: Pagan And Wiccan Edition
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