10 Things to Do When You're Feeling Like Sh**

Here are my top 10 tips to help you pull yourself out of a bad mood, bad day or just a downwards spiral. These may be little things, but remember to take baby steps and soon enough, you’ll find that lots of little positive things and efforts can add up.

10 Things to Do When You're Feeling Like Shit

1. Have something to drink.

Dehydration can make you feel like crap, and the best way to remedy this is by drinking water! Not juice, soft drink or alcohol -get yourself a bottle of water and make yourself drink it throughout the day or over a couple of hours.

2. Have something substantial to eat.

I always feel a little bit better when I eat something, and a lot of the time I get hungry-thirsty, (you feel me?) so make sure whatever you eat, you follow up with a big drink of water. It can be easy to gravitate towards junk food, but something like a balanced meal or a piece of fruit is going to make you feel a lot better.

3. Get up out of bed, and make it.

I have a mental rule, once I get up and make my bed, I don't get back into it (until night-time, duh). This is a good step in the right direction, and is where I find myself getting stuck.

4. Take a shower.

Showers are almost guaranteed to make you feel that little bit better. Put your favourite tunes on (as long as you don't get tempted to dance), lather up, and massage your head gently with your fingertips when you're washing your hair. (This feels SO good!) Also, if you have enough motivation, shave too if that’s a part of your normal routine.

5. Put on real clothes.

Seriously, get out of those crusty pyjamas and put something freshly washed on. Something I like to do is get dressed up in my best clothes, the stuff I wear to parties that make me feel like a killer queen.

6. Get up and get out.

Aren’t you sick of the four walls of your room? Get out for a walk, run, or whatever you like, it could be to the local park, maybe you can treat yourself if you walk to the shops, hell, it could even be around the block! Exercise, even brisk walking, triggers endorphins meaning you’ll feel better in no time.

7. Talk to someone.

Whether it be someone you can rely on, here on GaG, or someone in real life, getting things off your chest is a sure way to feel better.

8. Hug something.

Hugging is also one of those miracle things that boosts your endorphins, so I suggest you hug a human, pet or even an inanimate object like a stuffed toy!

9. Achieve something.

A sense of achievement works as a great pick me up when you’re down. If this means doing so little as one of the things off this list, then congratulations, you’ve achieved something! Pat yourself on the back and focus on what you want to achieve next.

10. Acknowledge that you’re allowed to feel shitty.

Give yourself permission, go on. We all have our moments, trust me, and you’re allowed to feel like crap. You don’t have to fix everything all at once, remember, baby steps and you can most certainly give yourself some time and space that you need to work through things and process everything.

10 Things to Do When You're Feeling Like Sh**

Inspired by a Buzzfeed article.

Luci :)

10 Things to Do When You're Feeling Like Sh**
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